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I'm out of my mind. It wasn't perfect the first time. In fact, it was quite the dreary and dreadful type you wouldn't want to experience ever again. And I was traveling by the same airline again. On the same route. So naturally, the hasty running between two gates, gasping for breath, thinking you're about to collapse with sheer stress, tired legs which would give up any second, and managing to get to the seat just in time before the doors closed, sweating and panting for the entire flight to have a popcorn moment, is what's on your mind. The newer additions to the travel rules were not helping either. I was probably fretting my transit more than anything - last I remember I was scared of Courage the Cowardly Dog, so my threshold for paranoia is really high.

Here I was, looking through the flight for a friendly face. Luckily for me, #sarcasm, I found an over-friendly one. I mean I wanted to just listen to some music or watch crappy old sitcoms only so I wouldn't have to continue talking to this, this, well..there's no word for the type. Usually I'm the comfortable traveller without much fuss, so I unintentionally kick the traveller in the seat ahead, you know, I want my feet to be comfortable on the armrest of the seat ahead of me. "I'm sorry" - I repeated in my head like 10 times before I decided I can just ignore the discomfort I cause to people around me - after all I had only tripped twice on someone's luggage, dropped a person's bag while trying to help pick it up, used my illegible handwriting to fill in a form.

That's 12 hours of travel time with mixed emotions of worry and no-worry. Worry and no-worry. Worry and no-worry. Finally when it dawned on me that I would have prepare my legs for the fastest run of my life, mentally script the activities I need to do before I can catch the connecting flight. That's which the "kick-ass" traveller - that's what I would like to call him from now on - smiled at me and almost said 'you really don't need to worry'. I narrated by nightmare waiting to happen and the kick-ass angel said he would accompany me and help me out. Angel he was. I think I only talked the entire time, and it was the most pleasant ride I've had - ever!

Somewhere this "kick-ass" traveller is walking along his way thinking about the silly paranoid traveller he once encountered, or maybe if he's a blogger just like me, I should get finding the post!

PS: I really really want to thank my "kick-ass" traveller but I don't know how.


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