Ever wondered who created us?
Yeah, our mothers ofcourse! Why bother beyond that!
The simple existential question facing humankind is not that of where we began, it's that of where we're going to end.
It's not about me, its not about you, its about us. Everyone in love has one thing in common - they have something to die for. For a woman its her husband, for the soldier its the country, for the corporate slave its his job, and for a mother its her children.
Back to the question on humankind, when we're asked to tell all, all love all hate..the single biggest element is missing from among all our lists...our roots...our earth!
The same reason why a child who hates being swung around by random faces wants to be placed on his mother's lap is why we all want earth to stay with us forever. We made several promises from that moment on our mother's lap to the moment we realised those promises. Let's include Earth this time.
Let's find our place of existence. Let's better the place we're going...to live!