There was some truth in what happened the other day. Yes. When i left home, i was in a 'super' hurry. 'Super'? My 7 year old cousin was now crying. I slept at 2 last night. That din't seem to care her. For her, its like when she is put to bed, the world is put to bed at the same time it seems. She was standing right in front of my eyes. At a distance of probably, 2 inches from my face. From that 'distance', she screams, "DeeDee!! " , crying, "deeeee", sobbing, *snifff*, wiping her 2 mm of 'pure' tears (kids, i promise, got crocodile tears! I don't really know how that phrase came into being though. I would rather call them Kiddie tears. Drops of water that roll down your eyes not more than 2mm, eyes may be red, but beware, they ARE QUITE deceptive.)
"Its 7 in the morning, why the hell are you crying? " i said all of that in my sleep? Damn she was, crying! "Dee i need you to drop me to the school bus stop, else i might miss the bus." "... And what time is your bus, chika?" " in 5 minutes time! " And the sad face she made after that, oh God i had never been so sad about missing my school bus in my 12 years of schooling ever! I just sprung out of the bed, pulled my hair back into a carelessly tied pony, (din't even wash my face, i was so scared she might burst out wailing right then), and put in my shoes. I turned around to get her to the door, just then i see her smiling and jumping around the house, her school bag bumping her rear side alternatively as she marathoned the entire place. Kidde tears. Pulling her by her bag, i dragged her to the lift, in vain. She ran down the stairs. I found myself running endlessly behind her, 'at bloody seven in the bloody morning on a bloody abandoned road bloody running! and it had bloody rained 2 seconds back!!' *Yiekkkkkss* I wanted to scream. I was screaming in my head already. My sister ran way ahead, leaving me in desperate attempts to run holding my white PJs up, one hand trying to cover my head from the drizzles. Finally the Bus!!! i heaved a sigh of relief. i was never this lucky, i thought to myself. "yeah bye-shy haii" i smiled at her. This was 15 minutes after we reached the bus stop, i am still figuring out how i spent those 15 minutes.
Walking through an unfamiliar road, i tried wiping those drops of waters off my pink cheeks. I was crying. Kiddie tears. Not yet. I was born with a perennial sense of ...or the lack of rather...directions. I mean i just thank my stars i don't lose my way in my own house. And the cardinal rule for me has been, stay calm and find your way out. But this time, i don't exactly know, something made me shed those pearls. A few seconds on, i twisted my leg over a stone. You see, i am usually the cause of the catastrophes that keep happening to me, something that people called, fate? My mother got some thread that could probably do some good she hoped. Those bloody dogs! Just couldn't forget barking for a day! My foot was hurting now, limping.
" Are you hurt?"
yea right, and i want to reply.
"is there...anyway..i can help you?"
For a second i wished those dogs barked the fact of my life in his ears!
i turned to answer, whoever.
Breathe. Talk. Smile. Say something.
"are you hurt?"
Suddenly i could feel my foot hurt me once again. One more pearl out, finding its way straight to my chin.
I stopped breathing again. He touched my cheek! Wiping my tear off, i could now see him.
I don't know, but i think i was almost going to faint. He looked like the guy in my dream! Reallyy!
I wanted to touch his face.
"Y-e-a, i t-h-i-n-k s-o" i said with a million pauses.
Please talk. Please talk.
"Oh! Why are you crying?"
" AA-i , l-o-s-t, m-y, w-a-y." Shut my eyes tight, i shook my head a little.
" i am kind of new here" i heard myself saying.
"Well, you are walking towards a dead-end. The gate to the main road is to the right. THERE! " and he held me by my shoulders, turned me to the right, back to facing him, and smiled. Smiled.
I was smiling too.
"Aman. I stay just 2 minutes from here."
"Uh-oh! Me too!"
Laughs. " i think now you're doing better now."
NO. If that meant you are going to leave now. NO.
"You have hurt your foot bad."
He held me by my waist, holding my right hand in his, and his left hand by my waist, he dropped me home.
What happened after that, i don't exactly remember.
I never met him after that. No contact details. Nothing.
Sometimes it feels like , maybe, that just never happened.
"Its 7 in the morning, why the hell are you crying? " i said all of that in my sleep? Damn she was, crying! "Dee i need you to drop me to the school bus stop, else i might miss the bus." "... And what time is your bus, chika?" " in 5 minutes time! " And the sad face she made after that, oh God i had never been so sad about missing my school bus in my 12 years of schooling ever! I just sprung out of the bed, pulled my hair back into a carelessly tied pony, (din't even wash my face, i was so scared she might burst out wailing right then), and put in my shoes. I turned around to get her to the door, just then i see her smiling and jumping around the house, her school bag bumping her rear side alternatively as she marathoned the entire place. Kidde tears. Pulling her by her bag, i dragged her to the lift, in vain. She ran down the stairs. I found myself running endlessly behind her, 'at bloody seven in the bloody morning on a bloody abandoned road bloody running! and it had bloody rained 2 seconds back!!' *Yiekkkkkss* I wanted to scream. I was screaming in my head already. My sister ran way ahead, leaving me in desperate attempts to run holding my white PJs up, one hand trying to cover my head from the drizzles. Finally the Bus!!! i heaved a sigh of relief. i was never this lucky, i thought to myself. "yeah bye-shy haii" i smiled at her. This was 15 minutes after we reached the bus stop, i am still figuring out how i spent those 15 minutes.
Walking through an unfamiliar road, i tried wiping those drops of waters off my pink cheeks. I was crying. Kiddie tears. Not yet. I was born with a perennial sense of ...or the lack of rather...directions. I mean i just thank my stars i don't lose my way in my own house. And the cardinal rule for me has been, stay calm and find your way out. But this time, i don't exactly know, something made me shed those pearls. A few seconds on, i twisted my leg over a stone. You see, i am usually the cause of the catastrophes that keep happening to me, something that people called, fate? My mother got some thread that could probably do some good she hoped. Those bloody dogs! Just couldn't forget barking for a day! My foot was hurting now, limping.
" Are you hurt?"
yea right, and i want to reply.
"is there...anyway..i can help you?"
For a second i wished those dogs barked the fact of my life in his ears!
i turned to answer, whoever.
Breathe. Talk. Smile. Say something.
"are you hurt?"
Suddenly i could feel my foot hurt me once again. One more pearl out, finding its way straight to my chin.
I stopped breathing again. He touched my cheek! Wiping my tear off, i could now see him.
I don't know, but i think i was almost going to faint. He looked like the guy in my dream! Reallyy!
I wanted to touch his face.
"Y-e-a, i t-h-i-n-k s-o" i said with a million pauses.
Please talk. Please talk.
"Oh! Why are you crying?"
" AA-i , l-o-s-t, m-y, w-a-y." Shut my eyes tight, i shook my head a little.
" i am kind of new here" i heard myself saying.
"Well, you are walking towards a dead-end. The gate to the main road is to the right. THERE! " and he held me by my shoulders, turned me to the right, back to facing him, and smiled. Smiled.
I was smiling too.
"Aman. I stay just 2 minutes from here."
"Uh-oh! Me too!"
Laughs. " i think now you're doing better now."
NO. If that meant you are going to leave now. NO.
"You have hurt your foot bad."
He held me by my waist, holding my right hand in his, and his left hand by my waist, he dropped me home.
What happened after that, i don't exactly remember.
I never met him after that. No contact details. Nothing.
Sometimes it feels like , maybe, that just never happened.