Y? and Ruchi thinking on how to kill some 'internet time' .
Ruchi : What are we exactly doing?
Y? : Thinking how to kill time
Ruchi : oh! i know! Lets Rename 'Time' to 'Dance'... and sing 'Dil Dance Maare' !!!!!!! *giggles go histerical*
Y? : y?
So like , after 2 posts and a couple of weeks... Y? thought i should talk about.
.. ME :D
*ahem ahem*
As little kid... one of my favourite poems was, and as of today it still stands my favourite (for obvious reasons, if you have seen me!), is "I am a tea-pot, short and stout, this is my handle and this is my pout...” The best part was to continue this line with “... one for my master, one for his dame... And one for the little master who lives down the lane! "
Makes no sense?
People who know me, and ofcourse people who don't know me( whew! that was difficult.. hehe), to describe me in one word, would probably use 'random' as the first adjective that suits my thought process. Well, its not always that I talk like that. *frowns*
I have grown up as a kid.
I am not a sweet person. Very selfish and self-obssessed, I have always kept my interests before anyone else’s. Anyone, anyone. I can cry if things don’t go my way.and by ‘cry’, I go throwing around tantrums. You know, I CANT ‘not’ eat for nothing! So once, when I wished to get this fish as my first ever pet, and my parents refused to this just another whim of mine, I ‘actually’ skipped a meal!
And the drama queen that I am! I have to (read: compulsorily) make everything sound filmy. I am the most ‘dramatic’ person you could ever come across. And worst, sometimes I almost believe that my life is a replica of some movie...like those‘re-make’ types..! Yeaa! And then, don’t even bother pondering; I ‘actually’ start behaving like those idiotic characters of whatever film’s hangover I have. Arrgghh!
I have multiple personalities. Not that I have them actually, but would love to have them though! So I term my super mood swings as my different personalities. *smirks*
I suffer from this weird disorder; i get these bouts of depression after the sunset. *bursts out laughing*
When I was 12, I once abused a guy who called me ‘fat fat fat baby elephant!’. My abuses (like… I just uttered the word ‘baap’, that was an abusive word for me, then, and even now.) seemed to have had this funny effect on my fellow person’s eardrums, that what followed were the loudest laughs of my life, and me ‘officially’ being labelled ‘baby elephant’! That’s NOT fair L
The funnest moment of my life, when I was on this war-ship called INS Vikrant. I din know what I was doing there, I was sixteen then. With my mom and some of her friends, and their kids along, I was just busy enjoying the … no. it’s a lie. There was nothing ‘fun’ there. I was actually planing out ways to get lost there! (Though I wouldn’t dare do that. Getting lost twice already at 4 and 6 was enough an exciting experience for me). Actually, *smirks*, my brother Raunak, was so skinny thin, that when at the deck, he almost flew a few steps back. As mum ran to hold him and get him back on earth *pauses and bursts out laughing*, there I was, on the floor laughing holding my stomach with one hand and my mouth with another (my way of controlling my idiotic untimely laughs especially when something bad happens to my brother, while mom keeps glaring at me from some corner, wherever she finds something to hit me with! *laughs*)
Few days back, i lost myself. Now I am in this hollowness that comes between losing your old self, and finding your new soul, your new life. *ouch* My headaches. Growing pains, perhaps. Sometimes this good ol’ me comes back to cheer me up. I understand it has to go away from me, things in life change; everyone has to grow up, for themselves, for others. (Psst: this one friend of mine thought ‘growth’ the word itself sounds so ewww! Well, I dint mean it that way you see.) One this is for sure, I know I would still get up in the middle of the night, just to have chocolate or sweets, and on the other hand will wake up midnights as a result of my horrid nightmares! Things that would never leave me.
Ruchi : What are we exactly doing?
Y? : Thinking how to kill time
Ruchi : oh! i know! Lets Rename 'Time' to 'Dance'... and sing 'Dil Dance Maare' !!!!!!! *giggles go histerical*
Y? : y?
So like , after 2 posts and a couple of weeks... Y? thought i should talk about.
.. ME :D
*ahem ahem*
As little kid... one of my favourite poems was, and as of today it still stands my favourite (for obvious reasons, if you have seen me!), is "I am a tea-pot, short and stout, this is my handle and this is my pout...” The best part was to continue this line with “... one for my master, one for his dame... And one for the little master who lives down the lane! "
Makes no sense?
People who know me, and ofcourse people who don't know me( whew! that was difficult.. hehe), to describe me in one word, would probably use 'random' as the first adjective that suits my thought process. Well, its not always that I talk like that. *frowns*
I have grown up as a kid.
I am not a sweet person. Very selfish and self-obssessed, I have always kept my interests before anyone else’s. Anyone, anyone. I can cry if things don’t go my way.and by ‘cry’, I go throwing around tantrums. You know, I CANT ‘not’ eat for nothing! So once, when I wished to get this fish as my first ever pet, and my parents refused to this just another whim of mine, I ‘actually’ skipped a meal!
And the drama queen that I am! I have to (read: compulsorily) make everything sound filmy. I am the most ‘dramatic’ person you could ever come across. And worst, sometimes I almost believe that my life is a replica of some movie...like those‘re-make’ types..! Yeaa! And then, don’t even bother pondering; I ‘actually’ start behaving like those idiotic characters of whatever film’s hangover I have. Arrgghh!
I have multiple personalities. Not that I have them actually, but would love to have them though! So I term my super mood swings as my different personalities. *smirks*
I suffer from this weird disorder; i get these bouts of depression after the sunset. *bursts out laughing*
When I was 12, I once abused a guy who called me ‘fat fat fat baby elephant!’. My abuses (like… I just uttered the word ‘baap’, that was an abusive word for me, then, and even now.) seemed to have had this funny effect on my fellow person’s eardrums, that what followed were the loudest laughs of my life, and me ‘officially’ being labelled ‘baby elephant’! That’s NOT fair L
The funnest moment of my life, when I was on this war-ship called INS Vikrant. I din know what I was doing there, I was sixteen then. With my mom and some of her friends, and their kids along, I was just busy enjoying the … no. it’s a lie. There was nothing ‘fun’ there. I was actually planing out ways to get lost there! (Though I wouldn’t dare do that. Getting lost twice already at 4 and 6 was enough an exciting experience for me). Actually, *smirks*, my brother Raunak, was so skinny thin, that when at the deck, he almost flew a few steps back. As mum ran to hold him and get him back on earth *pauses and bursts out laughing*, there I was, on the floor laughing holding my stomach with one hand and my mouth with another (my way of controlling my idiotic untimely laughs especially when something bad happens to my brother, while mom keeps glaring at me from some corner, wherever she finds something to hit me with! *laughs*)
Few days back, i lost myself. Now I am in this hollowness that comes between losing your old self, and finding your new soul, your new life. *ouch* My headaches. Growing pains, perhaps. Sometimes this good ol’ me comes back to cheer me up. I understand it has to go away from me, things in life change; everyone has to grow up, for themselves, for others. (Psst: this one friend of mine thought ‘growth’ the word itself sounds so ewww! Well, I dint mean it that way you see.) One this is for sure, I know I would still get up in the middle of the night, just to have chocolate or sweets, and on the other hand will wake up midnights as a result of my horrid nightmares! Things that would never leave me.