Ever thought you needed to control something in your life, so you walk down the park, listen to crappy music, find a spot so you can sit by yourself to make some notes by yourself, and figure how you can get over the need to be Ms. President of the country. Yes, that's the new thing on my mind right now. I have no clue how the system works, but every time the traffic cop insists that I broke the light even if I didn't, I feel like pulling out my secret card that says, 'President of India' and ask him to do his job. (I am being very, very subtle here). After a few minutes of lost chain of thoughts I realized I didn't want to control anything anymore. So I walk back home, feeling all jumpy and joyful. "There!" I screamed as I was hiding behind the ugliest car in town, a turquoise blue old car, it was not worthy of being called an antique. "I am being chased by someone!" I yelled again into my cell phone, as I realized the battery had just died ou...
My way of giving it back to my ego